May 9th, 2012 - Zurich
How pharma and other stakeholders could work more effectively in generating data in real life to demonstrate attractive cost/benefit ratio
- How can we build win-win-win partnerships to generate clinical and health economic data in the real life,
- What is at stake? (Epidemiology, Safety monitoring, Sustainable market access conditions, medical practice evaluation, HTA, dissemination of innovation….)
- What are innovative practices
- What do we need to efficiently cooperate (patient groups, academic research organizations, scientific societies, health authorities, payers, health care providers and industry)
- What does it take to create trust and move forward?
- Susan Knox, European Breast Cancer Coalition..
- A EMA representative
- Philippe Fonjallaz, MerckSerono
- Alex Stojanovic, Grunenthal
- Herve Drevot