Allegro Altissimo ® is a registered trademark of Allegro Altissimo EURL, 31 côte St Barthelemy, 55100 Verdun, France. The Allegro Altissimo website is managed by Allegro Altissimo and intended to provide information about the firm without any commitments or obligations for Allegro Altissimo.
C.E.O : Hervé Drevot.
Allegro Altissimo EURL is a company with capital of € 20,000 registered under the number: 524 599 735 RCS Bar Le Duc, France.
These informations are only informative and Allegro Altissimo is not responsible or liable for possible errors or omissions. Should information be erroneous, Allegro Altissimo will, if informed of this fact, do its best to solve this and give a better accurate information.
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